Marketing Activities

Cold Email Outreach

The goal is to initiate contact and attempt to build relationships to promote a product or service. This activity is cost-effective and highly scalable, making it ideal for businesses of all sizes. A powerful engagement strategy that involves sending highly personalized emails to those with whom you have no prior relationship.

When executed properly, a single cold email outreach campaign can acquire prospects more effectively and with higher quality than any other strategy. This activity allows you to quickly fill the top of the sales funnel without involving your sales team. In addition, cold email oureach can help you grow your business, test new products and services, and explore new markets and audiences without incurring significant costs.

Target specific individuals

High level of personalization

Flexibility and easy scalability

Instant results

The key to cold outreach is

creation a personalized and compelling message that resonates with your target audience and communicate with them consistently to build relationships and trust.

Need to acquire new customers quickly?

Let's talk
  • Target Audience and ICP
  • Building a Contact Database
  • Email Setup
  • Mail writing
  • Experiment/Pilot Launch
  • Real-time analysis
  • Optimization and Launch Sequences
Target Audience and ICP

Identify your target audience, as sending cold emails to prospects without considering their needs and interests will be ineffective.

Based on the target audience, create an Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) that provides detailed information about the people or companies that would benefit from the services/solutions offered. It identifies the most valuable prospects who are more likely to make a purchase or close a deal.

Building a Contact Database

Search for specific companies and titles based on triggers/intent: Identify a specific trigger or intent that indicates a potential customer may be interested in the offer.

Validate the assembled database: remove redundant information, add missing details (such as names and company titles in the correct case), and verify email addresses.

Email Setup

Domain Selection: Using the main domain for cold emailing can negatively impact the reputation of the company's main domain.

Domain warming: Build a reputation for the new email account and gradually increase the send limit.

Email authenticators.

Mail writing

Write a compelling subject line to grab the reader's attention and encourage them to open and read the email.

Writing the body of the letter to demonstrate that the sender has taken the time to understand the prospect's business. Generic letters that lack personalization are likely to be ignored. Demonstrating a genuine interest in the recipient's business increases the chances of making a connection.

Every effective cold email should prompt the recipient to take a specific action, whether it's scheduling a consultation, downloading a resource, or learning more about your agency's services. Clearly define the desired action. A well-crafted CTA increases the likelihood of a positive response.

Experiment/Pilot Launch

Launch a "micro" campaign to attract prospects and qualitatively analyze the results.

The goal is to determine the conversion rate of cold emails and the messages (with data) that resonate with the relevant audience.

Real-time analysis

Email deliverability (the ability of the email to reach the inbox of the ideal prospect, not the spam or junk folder).

Open rate, or the number of times the email is opened. This is an important metric to monitor to ensure that the message is reaching readers. A good level is above 40%.

Response rate (percentage of the total number of emails sent that received a response).

Optimization and Launch Sequences

Sending time. Depending on the industry, the ideal time (morning/day/evening) and day to send can affect the open rate.

Length of letter. Although research and statistics show that cold emails between 50 and 125 words have the highest response rate, longer letters may be more effective in some industries and markets.

Once the most effective copy, frequency and other key elements are identified, we focus on working across the entire base.

When running a campaign, we adhere to the following metrics:

open rate

no less than


reply rate

no less than


Key points to consider

Multiple email addresses

It is a good practice to use multiple email addresses when sending cold emails. If one email address is marked as spam, you have other options to use. Multiple email addresses also help you segment your email list and test different approaches.

Email verification

Before you send, make sure your list of email addresses is verified. This means that the email addresses exist and are able to receive messages. A verified list of email addresses can reduce your email bounce rate and improve deliverability, reducing the likelihood of your account being marked as spam.


There's nothing wrong with sending reminders. It's standard business practice. For the sender, it's another chance to start a conversation and a reminder that you haven't heard back. For prospects, such letters often serve as a useful reminder, as people are busy and emails can go unnoticed and get lost in the flow of incoming correspondence.

A/B Testing

A/B testing involves sending two different versions of an email to different segments of your email list to see which performs better. This can help optimize your cold email campaigns and increase response rates.

What to avoid in a cold email?
  • Avoid using spammy words like "exclusive" or "offer".
  • Avoid making false promises or statements that you cannot fulfill or substantiate.
  • Do not forget the research part of writing an email; your message should be based on what the recipients are most interested in.
  • Do not make your email robotic and avoid using overly formal or stiff language.
  • Do not ask for too much too soon, before you have established a relationship or demonstrated your value.

Marketing ideas to help your business grow

Omnichannel Marketing: Seamless Customer Experience Across All Platforms

Sales and Account-Based Marketing: Secrets of Synergy for Business Success

Beyond the hype: The Real Path from B2B Prospect to Buyer

Job postings as an icebreaker for cold outreach: A Method for Uncovering the Precise Needs of Prospects

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